(860) 281-2511
FAX (860) 442-0218
191 Hempstead St,
New London, CT 06320
Connecticut Worker’s Compensation
The Strafaci Law Firm, LLC can help workers in any field get properly compensated for injuries they sustain or illnesses they contract while on the job. Seeking legal counsel from an established and trusted firm like ours will guarantee you’re fully aware of all the benefits you’re entitled to from your employer and their worker’s compensation insurance company.
Our attorneys can help you navigate your claim in order to recover lost wages, obtain coverage for medical treatment, and even start receiving disability payments if you’re out of work for a long period of time.
Call or contact our office today to request a free consultation.
To establish you sustained a work injury. The Strafaci Law Firm, LLC is an experienced law firm that will fight to prove you sustained a qualifying injury at work if your employer challenges your claim.
To get medical treatment approved. Your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance has to approve any medical treatment before they pay for it. They may end up denying a treatment you need. Our attorneys have decades of experience that will help ensure you get all the reasonable medical treatments you need and are entitled to.
To get maximum financial recovery. The Strafaci Law Firm, LLC has the knowledge and experience needed to fully understand all you’re entitled to, including coverage of lost wages, medical treatment, and disability payments.
(860) 442-0218
Serving: New London, CT | Norwich, CT | Uncasville, CT